Carnegie Mellon University


Should ships in India switch to shore power?

Destenie Nock and Jeremy Michalek, alongside a team of College of Engineering researchers, investigated the impacts of online grocery delivery on energy use, emissions, and traffic congestion.

How sustainable is online grocery delivery?

Fischhoff remembers late mentor Kahneman

EPP’s Baruch Fischhoff wrote a retrospective for Science on the late Daniel Kahneman, Nobel prize-winning psychologist and author of works including Thinking, Fast and Slow. Kahneman, who was Fischhoff’s graduate advisor along with Amos Tversky, was awarded an honorary degree from CMU in 2012. “The imprint of Danny’s thinking and counsel have been lasting — and made EPP the most natural home in the world,” Fischhoff said.



Paulina Jaramillo and Michael Blackhurst of the Open Energy Outlook Initiative explain their goals of creating open access energy system models that can support decision-making toward climate stabilization.

Building Open Access Energy System Models

Fischhoff co-authors report on lessons from COVID

Howard Heinz University Professor Baruch Fischhoff co-authored The COVID War, a book evaluating the effectiveness of the government’s COVID response efforts.

Fischhoff authors book

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